Vol State and TN College of Applied Technology Each Receive $1million Grants
Nov 15 2019

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Tennessee Governor Bill Lee announced two projects in the Tennessee Central Economic Authority's region receiving funding through the Governor’s Investment in Vocational Education (GIVE) program. The GIVE grants prioritize learning opportunities in rural counties and enhances career and technical education statewide.


“We are proud to work with the General Assembly to pass the GIVE initiative and expand career and technical education for Tennessee students,” said Lee. “These funds directly support our workforce development efforts in distressed and at-risk counties and are a key component of our strategy to prioritize rural Tennessee.”

Earlier this year, the General Assembly approved $25 million in the governor’s budget to incentivize collaboration at the local level among stakeholders such as higher education institutions, K-12 and economic development partners.


The award process began in June when the Tennessee Higher Education Commission issued a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP). Each proposal was required to show local data that clearly identified both workforce needs and a sustainable plan utilizing equipment, work-based learning experiences, or recognized industry certifications to increase the state’s competitiveness and postsecondary attainment goals.


Below is the list of GIVE projects and recipients in the region that Tennessee Central serves: :


Tennessee Central Cooperative Manufacturing WBL Program

TCAT Hartsville - Tennessee Central Economic Authority

 $   994,995


GO TECH: Growing Opportunities with Technology

Volunteer State Community College - Greater Nashville Technology Council



Pictured Left to Right: TCAT Instructor Clyde Mansfield, Governor Bill Lee, & TCAT-Hartsville President, Mae Wright




Official State Press Release Found Here