News Archive

CCA Groundbreaking

Oct 8 2014
On October 3rd, Corrections Corporation of America held a groundbreaking ceremony for the Trousdale-Turner Correctional Center at PowerCom Industrial Center.  The correctional facility is anticipated to be open before 2016...

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Welcome new Board members!

Sep 10 2014
Tennessee Central Economic Alliance/Four Lake Regional Industrial Development Authority welcomes three new Board members!   Mayor Carroll Carman of Troudale County, Mayor Steve Jones of Macon County, and Mae...

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TCEA joins in at MTIDA’s Annual Meeting

Aug 11 2014
On August 1st, the TCEA staff joined dozens of fellow economic developers from across Middle Tennessee at MTIDA's annual meeting.  Pictured L-R Bill Shuff (MTIDA Executive Director), Bob...

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SEDC 2014 Memphis, August 3rd-5th

Aug 11 2014
Former Governor of Mississippi, Haley Barbour, opened SEDC 2014 as the first Keynote speaker.  Keeping the Southern States Competitive and Well-Positioned to do Business.   President of Van Hooser Associates,...

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SEDC Conference

Aug 4 2014
Charly & Jessica attend the SEDC Conference in Memphis. Pictured here in good company with Suzie Lusk and Ed Harlan.

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2014 Rising Star Award

Aug 4 2014
On July 31st, Jessica joined Volunteer State Community College, TSBDC, and many professionals from the TCEA region at a lunch honoring the 2014 Rising Star Award winner.   Congratulations to Jason...

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TDOT Visits Smith and Trousdale Counties

Jul 14 2014
Safety First!  Everyone required to wear the fashionable neon-yellow vest with complimenting white helmet. And this is the way it will go. TCEA's Project Manager, Jessica Farlow (right)...

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Sumner County COMPASS Breakfast with US Senator Alexander

Jul 14 2014
Charly & Jessica attend Sumner County's 5th Annual COMPASS fundraiser event.  It is always a pleasure to run into one of our region's Legislators.  L-R:  ...

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A Successful Annual Board of Directors Meeting

Jul 11 2014
  With 95+ in attendance, the fiscal year 2013/2014 Annual Board of Directors meeting was the largest attended meeting to date. There are certainly more projects, activities, and opportunities happening with...

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