SEDC 2014 Memphis, August 3rd-5th
Aug 11 2014

Former Governor of Mississippi, Haley Barbour, opened SEDC 2014 as the first Keynote speaker.  Keeping the Southern States Competitive and Well-Positioned to do Business.


President of Van Hooser Associates, Inc. and renowned author Phillip Van Hooser began day two of SEDC 2014 as a Keynote speaker.  Leaders Ought to Know: Traits Necessary to Advance Business, Community, and Yourself.


Christoph Sander (Consul General of Germany), Kazuhiro Iryu (Deputy Consul General of Japan), and Stephen Brereton (Consulate General of Canada in Atlanta) discuss the Global Market in the South.  The Global Marketplace at your Doorstep: Ways to Attract Foreign Direct Investment.